🍺 Anheuser-Busch’s “biggest beer giveaway in history” to promote Covid-19 vaccination
Free beer for everyone on 4th July to get 70% of the USA population vaccinated
🇺🇸💉 USA President Joe Biden called for a "National Month of Action", creating incentives so that 70% of eligible adults would be vaccinated against the coronavirus by the Fourth of July, including free beer!
🍺 Although it’s not expected to reach Biden’s self-imposed goal, Anheuser-Busch still plans to offer free beer, via gift card, during the July 4 weekend. Dan Jahn, CEO and president of Probability, specialised in contests and promotions, called it a “really smart campaign,” since it’s likely most people won’t take advantage of the deal, but they will see the company’s “free beer for all” messaging.
🌯 Chipotle Mexican Grill is the latest business to offer an incentive for getting the COVID-19 vaccine: “We are encouraging our fans to give their friends free Chipotle as a reward for getting vaccinated”.
🍩 Also, Krispy Kreme is giving away free doughnuts for showing vaccination card through the end of 2021.
🍻 #LetsGrabABeer while we check out this link with other beer brands that bet on Covid Vaccine promo trend, like Budweiser and Sam Adams in the US, or Super Bock in Portugal.